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thundara  ·  2828 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 10, 2016

    More grad school applications have been submitted. At some point I'm going to have to stop applying and actually pick a program, if for no other reason than applications are starting to get expensive. I dislike having to give people money in order to give them more money.

What field are the programs in? Public Health?

And fwiw, I kept the numbers on my application and all-in-all, it costed ~$800 for me to apply to grad school. Which felt pretty good compared to my friends and family in med school, which costed each of them many thousands of dollars. I'm not allowed to ask the total costs involved in residency applications. Coincidentally, it's also much less than cost of raw ingredients for a summer's worth of kombucha in my undergrad's co-op.