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I'll add to what you said by also saying that I generally don't trust articles that say "Conspiracy Fact" as a term (if it's fact, it's fact), and then use phrases like the following:

    The main-stream media (MSM) establishment mouthpiece The Washington Post admitted

I mean, that's a mouthful to simply reference another news source then to have them be a part of the conspiracy as well...

I really don't understand the conspiracy mindset. Being schizoaffective I've met a lot of fellow schizophrenics and most are not very conspiratorial. A large majority of schizophrenics are a little too occupied trying to deal with their symptoms, their medications, staying calm, and simply feeding themselves in general. Money is a huge problem, and even handling and understanding the social security system is hard not because it's a difficult process but just because of the disorganization of thoughts that prevents learning and understanding or in some cases is just too distracting.

Generally people might have outbursts or temporary flights of conspiratorial ideas, but they are either very temporary in a social setting and you immediately withdraw from that social setting, or they are very specific to your own life that tying together ideas from this mesh of external entities generally isn't the "plot".

Conspiracy nutjobs are generally fairly sane people, just morons who choose to go down this path of basically everything that we are trying to dig ourselves out from, yet never actually reaching it. I don't really know why.