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Complexity  ·  3113 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they thought UK would stay in EU

The damage is done.

FTSE crash.

Sterling crash.

Financial repercussions across the world.

EU leadership calling for “a swift resolution” to the exit negotiations (quite rightly, to protect the union). They don’t want us any more and want to make an example of us to other EU states.

Right wing EU parties calling for their own referenda. We legitimised that.

US voicing a clear reluctance to favouring trade negotiations with UK over the larger and more efficient EU trading bloc.

Our Prime Minister resigns. No viable replacement.

Our EU Commissioner (who was a euroskeptic but changed his views over his career) resigns. No envisioned replacement.

(These two would have been instrumental in any informed or strategic negotiations.)

Edit 27/6/16: Virtually the entire shadow cabinet resigned or fired citing vote of no confidence in the opposition leader.

Key promises from Brexit campaigners withdrawn literally the day after (Part of the platform was: a reduction in immigration, now rephrased as a reexamination and implementation of a points based system; the £350mm paid out to the EU channeled into NHS, the privatisation of which was a sore point in the UK for years, that promise now considered "a mistake". I mean, that one they had printed on a campaign bus.)

Scotland calling for another separation referendum, will probably get it and will probably separate whatever happens.

English society now philosophically and morally split across wealth (more so), age (will take a generation to heal) and race (between closet racists and settled immigrant nation).

Cryptoracists posting notes through Polish immigrants' letterboxes demanding the "Polish vermin leave". Gove, a man so devoid of charisma one may now Google his name and accidentally fear one typed "Mr Bean", reviled for a late campaign quote "we've had enough of experts" now calling to hire hundreds of experts. Exit interviews with voters who thought their call to leave would prevent Syrian refugees migrating illegally in rubber boats but had "no problem with Europeans" living and working in the UK, or misunderstood that voting to leave might secure a result to leave.

I mean as divine comedies go, it's certainly diverting, but I rather wish I'd stayed home and watched a drama on Netflix.