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user-inactivated  ·  2885 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 22, 2016

This weekend is going to be insane - if I snag a slot. Every 6-ish weeks there's a sort of community therapeutic retreat of an Adlerian strain called P3. I believe it started as UYO way back when all across the country. Since then they've branched out. This retreat is where I learned how to put into practice a lot of my own skill set I picked up in 'groups' and workshops. I've been having dreams reminding me that it was coming up (neat trick, wish I knew how to use it for forgotten homework or essays), but kept forgetting to take action to grab a slot. Naturally, this will be an intense time, ten-fold so given the context of the past couple weeks. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but one of the instructors is the friend who was THE go-to person in the heat of it all with regards to creating a support system for victims. The other instructor is a personal mentor of mine, who I'd like to think is an up-and-coming star in the local field, so it'd be just as interesting to observe/learn from him in this situation as well.

If anyone does have contact with a victim or doesn't know how to support, feel free to contact me and I can post/reply with the bona fide sources that I know of.

Completely on another note:

I LOVE summer time in Florida. I don't like intentionally deep frying my body with oil, mind you. Though, the way sunlight heats and exposed skin... ahhh...

Just standing in the sun, only for a few minutes...Ever eat a jalapeƱo? Remember the prickling of your taste buds? The heat firing across your tongue? The salivating of your tongue? The endorphins after? All of that. All over.

Your hair roots rise flushing red to scowl the sun as rays flow across your skin, golden warmth braising even the darkest shades of your skin as pores well up to douse the flames. Ah man, it feels great.

I never want to move north.