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Deltron_0  ·  2863 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Domenico Montanaro: Donald Trump's Problems Are Much Deeper Than A Campaign Manager

I'd rather trust a man who is open about his trust in making money, than this: http://www.anonews.co/russian-hacker-hillary

But go ahead, argue the same old talking points....the media promotes that.

The media is so heavily stacked in a way of critically analyzing merely what is said, the real truth behind what is dismantling the tenets set forth by our founding fathers is going completely un-reported. Here's a hint: fuck Richard Nixon. His symptomatic treatment of a fledgling economy took our country for a trip - at the cost of the real world. It is unfolding now, and will happen soon.

But find a way to discredit this brand new hack.... I dare you. I am not a direct supporter of Trump, I am a supporter of a free market. Clinton will bring about the collapse of our country - and assume a role she feverishly wants, that she sees as the necessary evolution of our representative republic. LOOK AT A HISTORY BOOK