Thanks, I've been thinking about this. I guess it would be counter-productive to go dark on the subject when I could instead shed light. My intention with regard to [...] this is really the last bit I hope to discuss about it was more in reference to the circular debates that happened under the discussion thread rather than continuing with open dialogue of how to help and what's going on around town in wake of Sunday. "Worst Mass Shooting in US History" is the last thing I wish for people think of when they hear my city; instead, define us by what happened in the wake of echoed gunshots. That came out way more poetic than initially intended. Yesterday's MC for the luncheon was a local columnist, Scott Maxwell. The luncheon's focus was (naturally) skewed as a result of Sunday. For example, the mayors of Orlando and Orange County were with the President instead visiting families and victims, though they stopped in prior to the event as a nod. One of the most interesting things Scott spoke of was how his usual role in these national stories is as the contact reporter (I don't know what this entails), yet as he started receiving calls from other news agencies, he also received a call for lunch with a reporter from Newtown, then a call for dinner with a reporter from San Bernardino, then another call for lunch from Blacksburg's reporter, and so on - as if we'd joined fraternity of cities visited by similar tragedy. I'll be posting a handful of updates where there are (verified) emerging avenues to contribute and support those affected alongside some uplifting gestures that have happened as a reaction .Continue being people for us. That's what makes a community.
this is likely the last bit I want to say about it for a long, long time.