The incentive structures are completely screwed up. The government has no incentive to halt or slow down these loans because they persist even through bankruptcy. Universities have no incentive to lower costs because the government will provide their customers -- err, students -- with the money to pay for it. And students aren't incentivized to forego school because a college degree (hell, even a graduate degree) are baseline requirements for gainful employment. -The Last Psychiatrist What's interesting to me is the mental exercise that comes about viewing this as a challenge to overcome. What's the alternative to this system? I can only think of individual actions, not system-wide solutions. edit to add: I can imagine a political solution that involves the government buying debt, but Bernie's revolution stalled, so I mean something else by "system-wide solutions".Imagine a large corporate machine mobilized to get you to buy something you don't need at a tremendously inflated cost, complete with advertising, marketing, and branding that says you're not hip if you don't have one, but when you get one you discover it's of poor quality and obsolete in ten months. That's a BA.