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khaaan  ·  4325 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Update: Goodbye columns.
it would fit in better with F-Layout » http://i.imgur.com/gKxQb.jpg

general behaviour pattern: Visitors start at the top left of the page. Then they scan the top of the site (navigation, subscription, search, etc.) Next they move down, reading the next full row of content… all the way to the sidebar. Last, surfers enter a “scanning pattern” once they hit the bulk of the site content.

I'am not having a go this is just my understanding of web design i strongly believe that a top navigation bar containing the logo user info and submit and then navigation menu down the right hand side would be a smother experience.

full article - http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/design-theory/underst...

I make these comment with respect and high regard for the integrity of yourself and others working on Hubski.