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Tiger_the_Lion · 3207 days ago · link · · parent · post: Hulu and latenight classic Anime, the adult way of reliving Saturday morning cartoons. AKA: rd95 gives his first impressions of a bunch of dusty old cartoons
What got me interested in the franchise as a whole was actually the much more recent series Casshern Sins, which is only very loosely based on the original series. Casshan and Casshern Sins appeal to me in different ways. A lot of Casshan's appeal is simple entertainment. I like the way it looks and sounds, and I like seeing Casshan defeat the enemy of the week using his distinctive acrobatic fighting style. But what really draws me to Casshan more than most series like it is the travelogue aspect of the show. I love seeing the effect that the conflict between Casshan and Andro Force has on civilians and how those civilians affect the conflict. It's not all that ambitious, but it makes Casshan more interesting than the average action anime.