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I have to say, I really think South Korea has some pretty impressive game plan with cars going on right now. i know Kia and Ford were tight for forever and when Kia went bankrupt and Hyundai bought the shit out of them shutting out Ford, I wouldn't be surprised if the Korean government played a hand in that. Now, almost 20 years later, both companies are doing great, with Hyundai focusing hard on the States (which you've shown me they're doing even better than I first thought) and Kia being pretty successful both here and in Europe. The quality of their cars are improving, their public image is improving, and Hyundai just recently created a luxury division much like Lexus, Acura, and Infiniti. Both brands have shown it's more than doable, but the success is hard earned and definitely isn't something that's gonna happen overnight.

I wonder, as far as Tesla and their shares are concerned, if speculating in them is the greatest idea. If I'm wrong, with short sales, if you don't strike when the time is right, you're stuck holding a bunch of worthless stocks. The problem is, no one really knows when the time is right so a lot of it boils down to luck. That sounds just as crazy as actually investing in them.