I'm walking again, went climbing at 7am today after a several days of poor sleep. Seems it was an injured tendon that I didn't know I had in my knee, doing some PT has helped, as has a brace and a bit of time. Plague's been going around here, I got it slightly, but at least one person in every building I've stepped into that past few days has had The Cough Of Death. Even heard it when calling home to my family the other week. It's a pitty scientists refuse to take time off. I think I might also have a slight throat infection that's causing me to snore (at least, based on the only times in the past when I've been told I snored) too hard and wake myself. But short of recording myself all night or making a roommate share a bed, I'm not sure how to check that. Lastly, lab work has still been stalled. I got positive results last week, and then failed to replicate it yesterday, wasting $500+ in reagents in the processes.