Alright. I should have been more precise as to what I was interested in, so I'm going to list questions, and if you mention something else interesting while replying, I'll ask something else, if that's okay with you. Here goes: - Is speed/quality of connection the only difference between the two generations of communication? - Are there any particular interesting events connected to the transmission of the signal with 4G (or in general)? I remember seeing something about radio echo while skimming over the Wikipedia article, and it sounded fascinating. - Are there differences in physical structure between the 4G and 3G signal transmitters/accepters (the proper term skips my mind) - as in, are they physically different schemes? I remember reading that 4G is non-backwards-compatible, but does it mean protocols only or the transmitters as well? Can one encode a 4G signal with a 3G transmitter (if there even is such a difference)? Do they have to upgrade the equipment of the cell towers to match the new generation? - How is it possible to remain within the same cell of the station and not tangle up the signal with others? - Does different encoding mean that it's simpler/easier/quicker to decode the signal by those of ill intent, thus enabling for easier eavesdropping? Alongside that, does 4G protocols of transmission mean that one would have to catch the required frequency first? is it as easy to do as with 3G communications? That should do for now. Thanks for answering.