I had told my father, who is a rabid (is there any other kind) Trump supporter that I was going to strategically vote for Trump in the primary because I wanted the Republicans to get decimated in the general if he won. He was gleeful and didn't care that my reasoning was cynical from his point of view. But the more Trump opened his mouth, the less I could entertain this even as what I viewed to be a strategic play to help ensure Republican defeat. Between his stated desire to assassinate innocent men, women, and children (family members of "terrorists") and the fact that he couldn't bring himself to denounce the Ku Klux Klan without "looking into it more" it all just became too much. I could never have my name attached to a vote for someone like him, under any scenario. Just couldn't physically do it. It is actually a bit tougher than it seems between Clinton and Sanders because I do believe that Trump is mostly likely to win the GOP nom, and a Sanders nom will just throw it to Trump effortlessly in the general. I don't think Sanders has a great chance of winning, but it's playing with fire to some degree. Mostly, first past the post voting is a fucking stupid system.Then there's the devil on my other shoulder who really wants to keep the GOP spectacle going for as long as possible.