- Stop thinking like a small minded prick
That hurt, and I don't feel like I deserved it. I was doing my best to relate the experience many people possibly have in order to focus better on that and maybe - one can dream - find a solution to the problem of perception of drug usage. While it may not be enlightened or very educated, it's what I have, and I expressed it without an intention to in any way mistreat or diminish the responsible drugs users.
I see your point - it might seem like I keep insisting on seeing drug users as abominations of human beings - but that's not what it's about. I don't mean to conduct a crusade of any sort, but if we are to figure out what puts a general person off about drugs and those who use them - which I hope we are - there's a need for discussion.
I appreciate you sharing your point of view: it's invaluable when there's no one around to show you how drugs aren't necessarily bad in themselves. However - would you come up to every single person in your country, wherever it is you live, and tell them your story to persuade them? I don't think you have the physical capability to do so considering your coffee... uh, place? (after visiting Amsterdam I have troubles with calling it "coffee shop") - or your responsibilities before your family and friends. Even if you travel the country and present the issue publically, how many people would you gather around yourself to listen? How do you explain to a scared mother of a seven-year-old that drugs aren't that bad?