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AnSionnachRua  ·  4347 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: This is how you *dont* write an article about trans issues
I suppose this level is something one would say that cannot be seen from the other side. Or rather it is behind a veil, and only when you look past the veil do you realise that the veil was there. Feminism offers a good example; most people will tell you that the oppression of the female does not exist; they must get to a point where such an hypothesis can seem valid.

Pardon my phrasing; I slept little.

Anyway, I was just sticking up for the underdog. I can acknowledge that incorrect pronoun use is perhaps a form of (latent) transphobia; I merely wish to say that these people thought they were doing good. You're quite right in saying that discrimination comes in many forms and degrees.