I realized at one point that there is no dignity and no achievement in complaining about reality never being perfect (which is what people believe to be "good enough" often enough). By pointing out how bad it is without producing a solution, I encourage others to do the same. This is not how we go forward as human beings or as humanity whole. Hell, it's not even that bad! "Oh, it never works" - but the idea does! It's the application that sucks, and it just happens to be something we're capable of improving. We measure our lives from a certain standpoint, when it really has to be measured from zero; from nothing. Compared to that: - we have food production and delivery system capable of sustaining billions of people; - most of us have clean water piped in and shit piped out without leaving stains or requiring work; - we have portable computers capable of introducing us to virtual realities on the fly and the international network to share our thoughts - and other important information - through. Isn't that bloody amazing? This is what we better remember at times when things seem dull. This coming from a life-long cynic and pessimist should tell you something.the cynicism of "Well nothing will ever be good enough, so I can't do anything"