I am pretty sure it is from this issue. I hedged a few weeks ago because of it. Interestingly, aside from the DDoS attacks on XT nodes and the clear censorship in /r/bitcoin that Hearn describes, there is less obvious social engineering going on. Today, many of us that follow /r/ethereum got a PM from new accts pointing to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/40in7i/the_ugly_truth_bitcoin_is_doomed_and_needs_to_be/ See the comments. That post is by a new account. Someone is trying to seed conflict between the ethereum and bitcoin communities. If you wanted to kill bitcoin, endlessly choking it at 1MB by creating a divide on that issue would be a fantastic way to do it. I don't know if it is the same group, but I suspect that there is more to this story.