I was not critiquing it, as it implies objective criteria used in the judgement. What I did was expressing my opinion on the matter. I never meant to say that others shouldn't watch it, and I think it would be wrong of me to do so. I never liked the movie because it started as a bloody mess, and I admitted freely - and, if memory serves, more than once - that I've never seen it past first ten or twenty minutes. Others enjoyed it? Fine by me. What you say did make me think over whether I should give it another shot, and for I stand by my first answer and would rather not spend time on the movie anymore. I'm grateful for your explaining the appeal to me, as it might change my opinion of it later on. Can you explain the difference? Is Interstellar not visually rich? Is Avatar not?So, while critiquing movies might be subjective, I'd suggest you re-evaluate your criteria.
You're mistaking "visually rich" for "eye candy."