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user-inactivated  ·  3143 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Neat Freaks and Household Cleaners: Seeking Advice

Am I the only who doesn't ever have to clean because I am clean? Been in a new apartment for a few months and I clean the toilet periodically and obviously dishes/laundry but that's it. No pets, no roommates, no eating anywhere other than the table and ... the problem goes away.

Like, roommates, fuck that, sure that's its own problem, but the way I always dealt with my roommates was if they made a mess in the shared areas I transferred it into their room immediately and eventually they stopped making messes and we were sort of still friends? And I didn't really care because who wants to be friends with someone who is rude enough to make a mess in public and not clean it?

I do not understand most things in the world.