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user-inactivated · 3424 days ago · link · · parent · post: The Game Theorists Take on Television and Media Bashing Gamers
Don't make bomb threats against women who criticize the overt sexuality in games. Don't harass women in the games industry. Don't have a hissy fit when someone says they don't understand lets plays by flooding twitter with angry comments. Don't criticize games for "filling a quota" when characters of color/different sexualities are introduced to said games. Don't claim that criticism is "stifling the free speech" of developers. Embrace criticism. Realize that criticizing an aspect of a game doesn't mean it's under attack, or even that you can't still like the game (see: Quiet's design is shitty but I still love what I've played of MGSV).' That'd be a good start, imo.