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Isherwood  ·  3141 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Game Theorists Take on Television and Media Bashing Gamers

First, this video is about how traditional media uses a know exploitation of fan bases by making controversial arguments for attention. Instead of acknowledging and avoiding that exploitation, this guy just dives in head first to defend his community. It's like a fish explaining bait to his kid then showing the kid how to eat it.

Second, a lot of the shit on YouTube is dumb. A lot of the shit on cable is also dumb. People like dumb entertainment, that's just a fact of the world. Get over that.

Thirdly, who the fuck cares about this? Any true threat to games through censorship would have to come up against the first amendment which would be a much bigger news article than any of the controversial stories in this video. This entire conversation feels like a group of angry children grabbing onto a subject that's large enough to hold all of their undirected angst but inconsequential enough to draw the ire of people actually trying to change the world.

But here I am, all worked up and adding to the same conversation that I'm condemning. It is a dumb conversation though. Who the fuck cares if people make fun of what you do? You're living in a time where you have absolute control over what you consume, just don't watch those people and you'll be fine.