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Herunar  ·  3314 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 9, 2015

So I've been freaking out a little about student debt. I always knew I'd wind up with a lot (didn't have a great deal of choice for a fair few reasons) but I guess the enormity of it all is starting to make me balk. I'm going to OXFORD of all places as a grad student in a couple weeks and I feel incredibly blessed and lucky and it's like some strange, surreal dream and all but still the idea of cost is just really bearing down on me. I sometimes wonder if it's worth it and whether or not I'd be better off just scrapping those plans and entering the workforce ASAP. But ultimately, I think I'd have more chance at success if I pursue my masters just cause it'll really open up my potential employment options - I'm doubtful that an undergrad degree in History is gonna get me far in and of itself. And I figure that I could potentially get a public sector job with the skills I gain (Mandarin), which means my loans could be forgiven in ~10 years.

I dunno. It's just all a bit nerve wracking. I need to start making money, and quickly, just to keep all that interest down. I can't complain, I knew what I was signing up for but I guess I've just a had a bit of a delayed realization, heh. All of this + actual stress from the fact that I'm going to get my ass kicked mentally and intellectually has really had me on edge for the last couple of weeks. On the bright side, though, I've had a pretty great summer. A lot of reading, a lot of writing, a lot of family-time. Can't ask for much else :). AND a new Iron Maiden album was released a couple days ago and it's GREAT. So there's that.