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caelum19  ·  3158 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 26, 2015

Around two weeks ago my older brother and main social contact flew off to Norway for 3 months, so I've moved into his room to get away from my extremely obnoxious younger brother. It's great, I thought I'd feel lonely, but the loneliness from one brother leaving cancels out the now reduced loneliness from being around the other brother.

The quietness and less frequent

"Hey Caelum."


"So you know x right?"


"You know how x does x?"


"Yeah, well, <extremely time inefficient explanation of some mildly interesting news>"


"To be honest <very ignorant opinion that he will defend to the grave, again explained to take as much time as possible>

make for much more productivity too.