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user-inactivated  ·  3248 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tumblr vs. Hubski

Really great breakdown and fairly insightful.

    My prediction is that in the coming years the user experience of the Web will further bifurcate into the quantity-over-quality Stream services like Tumblr, Twtter, and Facebook, and carefully crowd-curated content discovery services like Hubski and /r/DepthHub.

I wonder on this thought though. It seems that when sites get overburdened with the mundane and the inane, people who want to avoid that material eventually wander off until they can find some new obscure site to call home. I know when the makeup of the patronage at my favorite bar changed, I hopped from bar to bar until I found someplace new to call home. I've behaved similarly when it comes to websites.

At the same time, I think through the filtering and share system, for the time being Hubski will be able to insulate itself from such a problem. With a few exceptions here and there, the site seems to reset itself quite well from Reddit influxes.