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Somone over at r/Soylent seems to have dug up information on what now looks like a bogus claim:

    Except the levels present aren't high at all.

    I'll also add that ANYONE can post a press release on these mostly spammy pr 'news' sites.

    The guy behind that non-profit is Andrew Behar, who's previous employers include the 'Institute of Noetic Sciences' (a complete fakkin woo-woo 'institute' that "conducts research on such topics such as spontaneous remission, meditation, consciousness, alternative healing practices, consciousness-based healthcare, spirituality, human potential, psychic abilities, psychokenesis and survival of consciousness after bodily death.") and VivoMertic Inc (looks like a tiny ambulatory product company). He has a Bachelors in Communications and Media...

    Sounds to me like a fear-mongering hippie-nut.

    Edit: High Levels of Lead and Cadmium Found by As You Sow in Two Samples of the Trendy Meal Replacement Powering Silicon Valley Coders

    From: http://www.asyousow.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/As-You-Sow-Soylent-Press-Release_20150813-2.pdf

    Two samples? You are filing suit over TWO samples? Two samples out of MILLIONS shipped?! That's not science, that's hippie-dippie fear mongering. I'll also add they SEO optimized their press release, making sure to hyperlink their name... using press releases like this is a common SEO tactic

    Edit 2: If you search for 'food' on their site they seem pretty pro-fast food, pro-big food companies as it's article after article applauding such companies. They also seem very pro-themselves and pro-food babe with their 'articles' they get posted (probably via 'press releases') on news sites.

    Edit 3: And Andrew paid himself $124,800 for FYE 12/20/2013 out of $1,705,327 in revenue (that's 7.31%) yet they have page after page shitting all over CEO's for their salaries:



    http://www.asyousow.org/our-work/power-of-the-proxy/executive-compensation/faqs/ etc

    Edit 4: OP's account has had exactly two posts in 3 years, a NSFW activism photo and this post, the orca thing is right up As You Grow's alley leading me to believe OP IS EMPLOYED BY AS YOU SOW and a quick google search shows connections betweent he woman in the photo and As You Sow