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rinx  ·  3207 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Newsletter #046

I have a desk job with random bursts of downtime, so I'm on here pretty often. So my use case for the newsletter is skimming for interesting posts I missed. People who use it differently probably have different feedback.


-There is a ton of content! A good mix of popular post and lesser known gems.

-The frequency. For me, once every few weeks is perfect.

-That you included me! I'm famous y'all!

Possible improvements:

-Is it possible to add images? Some pictures would break up the text.

-For some posts (maybe a set of featured ones) in newsletter blurbs would be nice. I liked how this week you explained "Isherwood has been ruling #todayswritingprompt. It has a small but dedicated following with posts and stories written (almost) every single day.". It gave the link a personal touch and let me know right off what the content was. For things like poetry or user content, embedding the first few lines might be enough to draw people in.

Honestly my biggest concern with the newsletter is it seems really well done, I hope it's not too time consuming for you. If there's ways we can pitch in (mailing you nominated posts or something?) let us know!