Having read your comment, I just realized that I grew up in the heyday of American capitalism, Wall Street heroes, everyone wanting to be rich, tons of popular movies about small town boys making it big on wall street, the American dream, mansions, expensive cars, flashy, wealth glorified. Intellectual property, copyrights, laying claim, possessing, security, investments, portfolio management... Then I saw that fall apart. For a while now I've been noticing the open-source movement gaining more and more traction, skill-sharing, young people growing up in a world in which people share freely, all content is accessible, and these younger people rebel against people who try to monetize greedily. Caught between multiple generations, I am. I am very pro open source and skill-sharing, but the older part in me instantly thinks about profit margins and intellectual property, especially considering I worked for years at law firms specializing in such things. It's a bit confusing.