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deepflows  ·  3454 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your job will never love you.

    Don't hate "corporations" for employing you. The fact that you're working somewhere shows that you find it preferrable to any other options you perceived you had.

Hating corporations for the conditions under which they employ people really is the smaller issue here. My disgust has way more to do with the way in which they manipulate the actual options, the political framework surrounding the options and (throuh corporate media) our perception of our options.

Simply saying "Move to asia, teach english" makes one hell of an assumption about someone's circumstances and responsibilities. Assuming they are indeed able to do so, it may actually be a decent idea. If someone is considering a language teaching position, just be ultra-paranoid about whom you sign up with and the terms of employment. There are very shady teaching agencies and people looking for that easy gig do get screwed over badly. Depending on your choice of nation and your fluency in their language, actually enforcing any terms of your contract may be a far different process from what you're used to, too. Don't, under any circumstances whatsoever, let anyone have your passport.