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user-inactivated · 3482 days ago · link · · parent · post: Why gender neutral clothing could finally catch on
Yeah? What's that about? I asked my wife that question the other day while doing laundry. I understand that the faux pockets are there to help the pants seemed put together. Why go faux though? Why not just put in real pockets? Know what her response was? "Cause I have a purse." LADY! That makes zero sense. For one, half the time I'm carrying your wallet cause you want to go sans purse. For two, adding pockets takes nothing away. For three, you have two summer dresses with pockets. If a dress can have pockets, pants should definitely have pockets.What I really want are pants that fit my booty but have pockets in the front like Men's pants. The only jeans I own have LIES where pockets should be.