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tla  ·  3193 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 22, 2015

    I want to say this to someone: this is expensive. I can afford it; that isn't what I mean. But it's still a lot of money.

No joke.

We ended up in kitty ER mere weeks after we got ours. $350 for some saline under the skin and, antibiotics and pain relief. Would have been more if we left him with them overnight by an order of ridiculous.

He seemed fine at the adoption place but came to us with a virus nonetheless. Doubled down with a bacterial infection days later. We have accident/emergency insurance for him now, and he's on supplements to help prevent recurrences of the virus, but there's no hope of illness coverage since his record has evidence that he had been sick before we got him covered.