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rinx · 3468 days ago · link · · parent · post: Do you use the mute function for ideological reasons? Other reasons beyond avoiding hostility? As a downvote button? Future impact?
It cuts both ways too. Not only will Grendel gain more support within the community (hey rational science guy hates women, maybe he has a point). But he will also affect the type of user that joins and the type of user that stays. Hubski is mentioned very, very often on r/redditalternatives. As they come over and check out the site, the creepy sexist types will think they've found a home. And as women trying to find a safe space come to the site, his posts are likely to greet them. Not only that, but when they click his username, they see he has a lot of followers. So as Hubski handles this next influx, guess which types we are more likely to recruit.