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user-inactivated  ·  3229 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Here’s a Way to Control Guns

Getting rid of guns won't prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook.


Edit: Look. I only have half a dog in this fight. I personally don't think guns should be banned. However, I do think more regulation is needed. Throwing out half assed ideas though, that are easy to argue against and don't actually make concrete solutions, are not the way to go. There's better ways to go about gun control then taking half thought out ideas and trying to fly to the moon with them.

The other problem is, the chances of banning guns in our country is probably never going to happen. They're so ingrained in our culture and they're legitimately used by so many people, that the very thought of doing it is not only unpalatable, it's political suicide as well. This is one of the areas where smarter, more acute regulation could really do wonders. That's what we need to push for. Not zany ideas and not half assed measures.