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deepflows  ·  3215 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tsipras folds, Greek state assets go into privatization fund

Hey, I'll happily grasp at any straw you have on offer. I just can't see it right now. I really don't want to sound defeatist. It's just quite hard to remain optimistic when, year after year of following events, discussing them and looking for solutions, things only ever seem to go in one direction.

Media is under corporate control, money firmly rules the world (phony as our monetary system may be) and the people seem quite content with their bread and games. I'm also not sure we have all that much time left for meaningful change to happen. I mean, sure, there will be change, but I'm not sure it'll be the kind of change you or I envision.

There isn't any historical precedent for the current situation (or is there??). This plutocracy has gone global and I'd say that our democratic systems have been subverted beyond recognition. A catastrophic crisis on a global level will of course shake things up, yet so far our plutocrats have proven quite capable of not letting a good crisis go to waste.

So... how do you see meaningful struggle happening?