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jfinster  ·  3210 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Comic-Con 2015 Reel

I'm glad you're excited, but I'm terrified.

I will never forgive him for what he did to Star Trek.

Films he has directed so far:

- Mission: Impossible III

- Star Trek

- Super 8

- Star Trek Into Darkness

For me personally, two of those movies are boring, below average. The other two are so mind-fuckingly horrible I wish they didn't exist and I despair the franchise will recover from what he's done to it.

You're right, we do need to care about the characters. But so far, his track record for taking pre-exisiting characters has been to destroy them. Spock and Uhura snogging in a turbolift????? I could rant for days about how much I hate his star trek movies, but that's another post.

I'm sure the art department, effects and cinematography will be well done. But as far as the plot and characters, what I've seen from J.J. Abrams fills me with dread. Lawrence Kasdan being involved is great, a tiny beacon of hope, but Abrams is still directing, which is a problem...

You know what they say about past history being the best indicator of future activity... I'm not going to get my hopes up too high for The Force Awakens, because what I've seen in the past is that Abrams (in my opinion) has a lousy grasp of character and plot.