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randomuser  ·  3215 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: ‘I Don’t Believe in God, but I Believe in Lithium’

It's not so much given up on you as a patient. More like given up on a less-damaging mood stabilizer working without lithium. Lithium is not good for your body, that's all I am saying, and long term you kind of end up paying for it. There's a reason you have to get your blood tested every other month while on lithium, if you go over a certain threshold, it is dangerous so they have to monitor your bloods levels. And like every other medication, you build tolerance. What happens when your body's tolerance doesn't coincide with your psychological needs? Just not a great option imo.

Whatever works though, it's different for everybody. Lithium just wasn't for me.