Disclaimer: I could, and probably am, completely wrong and just misread the entire thing. I'm also sort of typing as I think, which is almost never a good thing.
I didn't really understand the point(s) she was trying to make. Is she upset? Is she for or against what's going on? The whole article seemed to jump around to random facets of her history and then poof back to the present. It all seemed very incoherent to me, like she was attempting to prove a point by not proving a point, if that makes any sense. I get the sense that she was upset... maybe? She didn't like the idea of White Appreciation Day and also the bathrooms were patronizing? That last sentence is my entirety of possible understanding from the article. Also, she felt that the guy posting a picture of food after receiving a bomb threat was... infantilizing? Surely, he could've just been posting the picture to say that yes, we are still serving this delicious BBQ. Then she went and read some Black Panther Party books. For what reason is this important? Is she assuaging her white guilt or something? I certainly don't mean to come across as confrontational, but that's sort of my raw thought process after reading the article. I think I'm just really unsure of the point or objective.
Edit - What does "flashing your Casper" mean? Showing your white skin?