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aidrocsid  ·  3217 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tim Hunt, Sexism and the Cult of Science

I'd say that last bit really depends on where you live. In a lot of the US there's a huge problem with scientific literacy. We've got people who don't believe in global warming. We've got people who don't believe in evolution or dinosaurs.

Science isn't perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Regardless of how successful they are, scientists most certainly are involved in the pursuit of knowledge.

As far as all this intense focus on demographic information goes, I don't think it tells us much. Equality of opportunity is a great thing to aspire to, but insisting on equal outcomes is ridiculous. Just because women tend toward some fields while men trend toward others does not mean they're being oppressed. Ignoring the agency of women in their career choices is a bit sexist if you ask me. It's certainly not respectful or helpful.