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Agreed. Posting on Reddit often feels pointless and unsatisfying. If you rarely get upvoted, you feel like you might as well not be posting at all. What's to enjoy about making posts that feel like they're not liked or even seen? That's why karma feels good. It's validation that, hey, my posts aren't pointless! Someone is enjoying them! I should keep doing it!

On Hubski, though, the max visible amount is 8. That was off-putting at first, but it's great for promoting discussion in a non-intimidating and continuously satisfying way. This is because comments tend to get dots if they add to the discussion in any way.

So, to put this in other words...

Rather than the occasional:

    Cool, my post got 50 upvotes. It's nothing compared to the thousand-upvote posts up there, but hey, it's something.

You get a consistent:

    My last few posts are half-wheel! And that one even got a full wheel! Awesome.