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Fluffy017  ·  3378 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is the meaning behind your user name?

Alright, so I'm about to get a little long-winded here.

My ORIGINAL username was 'cfour017', back when XBox Live was in it's heyday. That name was derived from the explosive of the same name (C4) and my lucky number (17). I think I put the 0 on it because 'cfour17' was already taken and I couldn't merk n00bs in a world without my lucky number associated to my gamertag.

After a few years of playing various games online, I got horribly hooked on Halo 2. After about 6 months of desperately trying to get anywhere in the ranked system (and having a blast with one of my old clans) I got into Xbox softmodding (which, to keep this explanation as brief as possible, involves downloading a modified save file of Splinter Cell (NTSC VERSION ONLY) to an Xbox memory card, and booting said save file on the Xbox to trigger the installation), downloading a few maps that seemed interesting, and sent a friends list-wide message stating "Just modded the 'box, who wants to grind to 50 tonight?"

8 hours and three very thankful friends later, I was permabanned from ranked on Halo 2 for modding. From here, I jumped around to a few different gamertags (funniest being bl4m3it0nth3j3w5 (because I had the humor of a 5 year old, apparently) and most normal being Snap017), where I continued to desperately attempt to dodge my permaban and get a few more friends to the coveted rank 50 in their chosen matchmaking queue. By the end of my time on Halo 2, I had settled on a name I liked, x Snap017 x. I needed the X's because the original Snap017 had been banned (for obvious reasons) and I was trying to get away from pissing off the moderators of a widely known game publisher.

Years later, the Xbox 360 is released. I'm overjoyed to discover that "permabanned accounts on the original Xbox WILL NOT BE BANNED ON 360 TITLES!". Go me! I get a 360 months after all the initial release problems are solved, and spend a majority of my high school years being completely antisocial on my x Snap017 x gamertag, playing titles like Rock Band and CoD.

Senior year of high school rolls around. I've been playing guitar for about 2 years at that point, and feel comfortable enough to start using it for my school projects. Due to having long hair, a love of all things heavy metal, and a general lack of fucks to give, I was christened "Fluffy". I would end up identifying by this nickname through my time after high school, all the way up until a year and seven months ago, when I got out of a week long in-patient psych ward for attempted suicide (SORRY FOR TAKING THAT DARK TURN THERE, I PROMISE I'M BETTER NOW!)

I no longer PUBLICLY associate by that moniker, but I can't seem to kick the habit of using it whenever I need an online alias, so Fluffy017 is love, Fluffy017 is life, I suppose.

Other things of note: I accidentally had a subreddit named after my username after someone in an AmA incorrectly attempted to link to me. After the great Blackout2015, I decided to make the sub private, out of solidarity and respect for the 22 users that still subscribed to it.