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shiranaihito  ·  3228 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Pisses Me Off About The Confederate Flag

    High minimum wage being a problem because young people can't get jobs.

Normally, an employer and a low-skilled person could just make a mutually beneficial deal at whatever rate they see appropriate, but with a minimum wage in place, the suitable rate might be below it, and then the job will not be created, and the employee will not be able to develop his skills/career.

In other words, a higher minimum wage is a problem because it prices the lowest-skilled people out of jobs.

    It was very stream of consciousness and unfocused, seemingly more interested in affirming the views of him and his watchers than actually arguing in favour of any particular point

You did acknowledge him making a lot of good points though. If his goal were just to preach to his choir, then he wouldn't bother backing up any of his claims. But he did.

The #propaganda tag referred to how the confederate flag is suddenly such a big deal. It's just another way to get us to fight with each other over something that doesn't actually matter. Divide and Conquer.