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ccc  ·  3383 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Is the web becoming less open?

Yeah. Even if your friend didn't keep a secret -- if it was such a big secret, why did you tell them? In the same way, I don't understand why people would put things online if they're worried about which people are going to see them. I don't have this problem because if I consider something too sensitive or private, I simply don't publish it, rather than trying to keep the wrong people from it.

I often have trouble posting online (especially social sites and Twitter and such where it's short-form) because, unless I write something at least a little substantial and not too much about myself, I feel that it's hard to come up with something that anyone else should actually give a shit about anyway. So I guess this also helps me not to have this problem. I don't post my new boyfriend, job, other life events on Facebook or whatever because it's none of most people's business, and most of the rest don't care, and those who do will find out otherwise.

But this isn't the norm, I think. It seems that there's something in the design or in the common usage of things like Facebook that encourages oversharing (or maybe it's The Narcissism Epidemic) but then there are social rules about it, instead of simple tech restrictions.

I'm struggling to come up with an accurate analogy for this paradigm of the acceptable use of social network content, probably because I don't fully understand it to begin with.