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randomuser  ·  3398 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Do we see reality as it is?

I didn't say prove either way, only argue lol. You can't prove that our perception of reality is the same. Every brain constantly makes assumptions about what it sees, how do you know which brain is right. Also, aren't w technically like 99% empty space when we get down to our atomic structure? I don't perceive myself as that much empty space. Also aren't sound and light the same thing just much different frequencies? So what is reality and why do we perceive it so differently than it is in actuality. Part of reality is perception of the world, an everyone has a different perception of the world and people, partially based on experience, and partially based on genetic makeup. I can't prove that we see different realities but I'm fairly certain we do just based on this interaction, and I know that I see reality differently than people who are color blind. You should look up the Ted talk on Neil harbisson and how he listens to color and paints music, really interesting way to perceive color.