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user-inactivated  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Transphobic violence in the punk community

    Maybe this is where you should trust the opinions of doctors, and psychologists, and trans people themselves?

I do not know their opinions or the studies involved that led to them. However coffeesp00ns has been more than gracious to walk me through this, so we'll see where things go.

    Your comfort level is obviously not something we can change. But self-education can remove the "doubt" that it's healthy for someone to transition. It's not only healthy, it's life-saving and necessary.

I'm not uncomfortable with the issue. I'm admittedly ignorant about it. This is something that I'll probably rectify in the next few days, weeks, maybe even months. What I am uncomfortable about, and always will be uncomfortable about, is progress without temperance. I'm not talking about just the issue of transgenderism, but all realms of scientific progress and how discoveries are utilized in the real world.