Pretty much solely weight training at this juncture. Mostly dumbells over barbells, as my right sides likes to sneakily compensate when my left is tired. I could go into more detail, but for now I'll just mention that I do an arms/shoulders chest/back and legs split (3 day split, between 6 and 7 days a week). I've tried a lot else before. I attempted to get into running for a few months. I think my best run was around 16/17 minutes for a two mile circuit. I never really enjoyed it all that much, and so I quit. I do enjoy swimming, pretty much the only cardio I enjoy (besides some sports). Swam all through high-school, and I was on the swim team the town had. Pretty fun overall. Anyway, I got into weight training in college, because I was pretty lanky (6' 130lbs). After a few years of eating a TON of food, and lifting with starting strength, I got to around 170lbs, and I would estimate 9-11% body fat (based on a tape measure and some calipers I have). And that's a pretty good weight for me. So I stick with weight training.