Conversely, if I didn't take the time to post my doubts, you wouldn't have been able to further attempt to educate me on the issue, and by proxy, anyone else feeling confused about the matter. When people stay quiet on a matter that concerns them, they're stifling their own personal growth, because they're isolating themselves from healthy feedback from people who think differently. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. However, I don't know if gender transition is the only alternative. What other alternatives there might be, I don't know. I'm not a scientist, psychologist, or doctor. However, I think it's unfair to people as individuals to feel like such a huge life decision should be so binary. Crazy as it might sound, I also find certain types of birth control as ethical grey areas as well. That's a discussion for another day though. Once more, I feel like there are a lot of ethical grey areas in that as well. My reservations stem from the fact that we live in amazing times where so many things are possible, and even more, not only are so many things possible but so many things are easily achievable. I don't think it makes me a bad person to sometimes voice doubt about what goes on in the world, about what we do with our lives, and say "Hey. Let's slow down and think about things. Are the decisions we're making healthy for us both as individuals, as well as a society, both in the short and long term?"saying "i don't know how i feel about this :(" contributes to an atmosphere of shame and incredulity. perhaps you shouldn't voice any doubts on the subject if you admit that you don't understand, you believe you shouldn't judge, and you know that trans peoples' decisions aren't harmful to others.
transitioning is certainly healthier than suicide, which is where a lot of trans people end up without the appropriate medical care.
if you're concerned about how natural it is, you're also questioning things such as birth control, which uses exactly the same hormones.
as for right and wrong, well, if you support the basic human right of bodily autonomy, right is whatever the inhabitant of that body decides, and wrong is anyone else's interference.