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user-inactivated  ·  3270 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What would you do with your free time if you didn't have to work?

Not a conditional; I'm in between jobs at the moment and have about two months of absolutely guilt-free time ahead of me. My two responsibilities during that time are and have been recovering from tooth surgery and planning a move to Wisconsin. Life's even better than usual.

The answer to the "but how could we possibly spend our time without work?!!?" question continues to be, travel and self-educate. Followed by an incredulous look at the stupidity demonstrated by anyone who could ever think those two things weren't enough from life.

Painting sounds like a really brilliant hobby and a way to get to know a new place more intimately and quickly than I may otherwise be able to accomplish when I move. I wonder if I'm any good at it, and how to go about painting without looking like an idiot. I'll think on that.