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user-inactivated  ·  3439 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Emotional Scars of Hubski

The fact that this many people circle dotted this dude's comment has got me losin some hubski faith, no lie. I mean I know the circle dots are overall unimportant, but still, shit you guys.

Like when the MRA guy goes around and bitches about racism, the general idea is to NOT encourage his indulgent whining. You can all preach about being thoughtful, so thoughtful and playing devil's advocate, and play pretend, but stuff it. You're giving points to a dude that's arguing semantics. Like I can fucking SEE the same smug shit-eating grin that probably came with pressing the "reply" button after typing this out, like the million times I've seen it IRL.

I'm now able to count on both hands the number of times I've seen this same disingenuous bullshit here. "Ugh, 'Don doesn't trust white people, that's so racist. Now I'm going to go to the store and not get followed around in it, then walk down this street while getting to keep my hands in my pockets without any problems, so I can get into my car and drive away without worrying that some cop won't think it's mine." Boo fucking hoo.

The projection is real. Do I get to complain about hubski's good old days now? Have I been here long enough? If that's true then get me some protein and call me Akihiko 'cause