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StephenBuckley  ·  3260 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Facebook's 'Instant Articles', Publishing, and the Slow Web.

The article is a sort of unfocused warning of internet DooooOOOoooooom! I'm not wholly convinced. Facebook is one of the largest traffic drivers of the modern web: true. Giving Facebook a monopoly on publishing would be dangerous: true. Facebook Instant is Facebook monopolizing publishing on the mobile web: absolutely false. Every time facebook makes a product a dozen other companies spin off their own version of that product. Sometimes FB's product wins out, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes they're all wrong.

When you drop the hoopla and the fear, I think you're left with one really solid quote:

    At the very least, Facebook has put everyone else on notice. Your content better load fast or you’re screwed.