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greenitalics · 3553 days ago · link · · parent · post: Ask Hubski: You have $100k What do you do with it? How would it change your life? Your circumstance?
Primarily, it would buy my mother a much nicer gift than I can afford right now. Secondly, it would pay off all my student loans (and then some). But overall, I don't think it would change my actions or path right now. I mean, I still need a job to put on the resume, I still need to finish school. I have no idea what I would do if "money were no issue" or w/e. Maybe I would take a semester off and blog full-time for a few months/get in touch with myself a bit better (maybe on a cross-country road trip). I'd also adopt a cat, definitely a cat.... But yeah, still not sure what to do with it in the grand scheme of things. Back to essay writing! Great question!