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user-inactivated  ·  3347 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Challenge: go to a public place and eavesdrop. Report back

I always have my headphones on, so this happens rarely. Maybe I should take 'em off now and again.

The most recent time I heard someone while eavesdropping, I ended up intervening.

My bus cuts through the nearby highschool right when class gets out (God bless my soul), so a lot of highschoolers get on said bus. Two of them, last week, were pointing and sniggering at some lady further up the bus. Eventually they were passing a phone back and forth to each other to type messages next to me. I gave 'em the side-eye and saw "Do you think the sweater makes her that fat, or is she actually that fat?"

That's pretty much where I had enough. As I got up and waited for the bus to pull up at my stop, I just said "that's not cool you guys." Of course they pulled the "what are you talking about!?!?! lol" thing, so I followed up with "you know exactly what I'm talking about," and then got off.

Did it do anything, maybe convince them to reform their shitty ways? ...Probably not. But I'd like to think the next time they rag on someone for some stupid reason, I'll be there in the back of their heads (as _refugee_ and Quatrarius and I were saying on IRC: ALWAYS LISTENING. ALWAYS WATCHING).